So What’s The Deal?: FAQs on the MAA


When someone says Midwest Artist Academy, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? If the answer is “Um…not a lot,” good news! Our first blog is here to help fast track the fast facts on all things Academy!


This is kind of a loaded question to be honest, because there’s more than one “who” in this equation. The first who is well, YOU! We’re hoping that by reading this, you’re interested in becoming part of the academy in some capacity—student, supporter, well-wisher? We don’t care! We’re just happy to have you!

If you’re here as a potential student, we hope you like what you see! The Midwest Artist Academy is dedicated to creative, collaborative young folks looking to expand their talents and mingle with other people looking to do the same! While there’s no “ideal” student, we do ask that you are a passionate young person committed to practicing, pursuing—or simply exploring!— music, dance, writing, art, and/or theatre. We also hope you are someone willing to lend your voice, ideas, and inspiration to create a once-in-a-lifetime experience for yourself and those around you!

Okay, there’s one MORE who in this whole thing, and that’s us! The Midwest Artist Academy faculty are from across the world (no, seriously!). Our mission is to use our knowledge, experience, and education to guide you toward your own creative goals during your time with the Academy and beyond. We’re also here to answer questions, navigate the great unknown, serve as a resource, and help you envision a practical and passion-fueled future in the arts. Here at the MAA, our goal is to create the conditions that allow all our participants grow outward as artists, inward as people, and to nurture fellow artists along the way.


Well, it should be right there in the web address but if you want a refresher - we are the The Midwest Artist Academy!

The Midwest Artist Academy is the longtime dream of writer and University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire professor, BJ Hollars. After years of finessing and fine-tuning, the idea came into fruition in spring of 2020. The academy strives to bring together young artists from around the country (and especially the Midwest!) for a week of high-impact integrated creative coursework. We want you to come to the academy with big ideas, and leave with even bigger ones.


The Midwest Artist Academy will take place at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire campus in the summer of 2021. Known as one of the most beautiful campuses in Wisconsin and the midwest, students will be given the opportunity to explore UW-Eau Claire, as well the esteemed downtown Eau Claire area. Our goal is to give academy students an inside look at Liberal Arts college, as well as how creativity translates into a greater community feeling. 


Perhaps the most important question of all!

Why should you participant in the inaugural summer at The Midwest Artist Academy? For starters, because we strongly believe that those looking to pave a profession in fine arts should be given the foundation to do so. Whether you’re a future composer, Broadway dancer, or children’s book author, we want to provide you a place to hone your craft alongside your equally committed peers. Simply put, the Midwest Artist Academy hopes to provide three major components for your artistic growth: a space to be creative, a chance to be collaborative, and an opportunity to gain confidence in your craft. 

We hope this has answered a few of your burning questions! If you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night needing more answers, we’re here for you (and probably also awake)! Feel free to email us at

For other information on the courses, application, faculty and more, visit our website.


Huge Announcement: 20 Half Scholarships Funded!